12 thoughts on “February 22, 2022: Tworiffic!”

      1. This is like that Star Trek TNG episode where Data made everything come up 3 to avoid hitting Kelsey Grammer's ship that came from another dimension

    1. Well that's one way of looking at it. Nope, shoot.
      I three what you did there. Argh!
      I give up.

  1. Mrs. Twayn had her annual review last week and just got off the phone with her boss. She's getting a raise (2.5%) and a bonus. And the bank is throwing an extra $1000 into everyone's 401(k) as a retention bonus if they stay on through the end of the year.

  2. I made meatloaf for supper last night, which means today’s lunch is one of my favorites — cold meatloaf sandwich. I find the garam masala and curry flavors deepen overnight, but I’m always hunting for the right bread.

  3. As far as I can tell, no one has told the newest announced candidate wanting to represent me in Congress to shut up and dribble yet.

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