17 thoughts on “December 18, 2022: Colt .33”

  1. I was clearing snow and missed most of the first half. My wife's family were all angst texting each other. I figured I'd watch the first few minutes of the second half to see how bad it could get. Didn't leave my seat until the game was over. Holy cow.

    1. One of the best sporting events I've ever watched. My only regret is that I couldn't meet my friends at the bar in Madison to watch it there because I have things to get done.

    1. My neighbor texted me that he was lunching in Mall of America, and I told him to find Harmon's HR. He sent a pic a few minutes later. Always happy to do my part to educate the non-MNs

        1. The one he hit over the centerfield bar and was measured at like 450 and no way it wasnt 500 feet

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