19 thoughts on “February 11, 2023: What Could Have Been”

    1. Followed by F-Bomb.

      Does Tourette's count as "injury"? If so, i'd thrown Jim Eisenreich in the mix. That guy had so much promise. It's a testament to his talent and perseverance that he still managed to come back and have a solid career.

    1. Hey Mr Runner. We are heading to Savannah in 3 weeks ourselves. When you finish your trip, would you mind shooting me a list of what you loved and didn't love, during your trip?

  1. Jason Kubel. He basically blew out his knee shortly at the beginning of his major league career and went from a dangerous hitter in the minors with speed (16 SB one year) to a hobbled above average hitter the rest of his career. I think, if healthy, he could have been a perennial all star.

  2. The easy answer is Mauer, and I would make no argument against it. He’s be a Top 3 all-time catcher without the concussions.

    So I’ll make a case for Johan. Yes, the injuries came after he left, but the man belongs in Cooperstown. So while I’m wishing, can I wish away the trade and keep him a Twin forever?

  3. For my fandom, Joe. For possibly winning a World Series, Liriano.

    We could have had arguably the best two pitchers in baseball throwing two-thirds of our playoff games.

  4. I was thinking Jim Eisenreich would fit this category as well. Hell of a ball player despite the challenges he endured.

    1. That’s an excellent answer. If Eisenreich had played in an era with better understanding of management of neurological conditions, he could have been a perennial All-Star.

  5. My first thought was Tony O. and I'm sticking with that. Would have been a sure fire HOFer if not for the knees.

    1. Of course!

      I would also love to see Justin finish the 2010 season at full health. He was on a ridiculous tear.

  6. I will throw one out for curiosity's sake. John Castino broke his spine at age 26. I wonder if he stays a consistently good second baseman for years, does he stay on the team until Knoblauch is ready and we never go through the Herr debacle

    1. Everyone gave great answers. I'll point out that both Rod and Harmon also missed a little time, although it didn't hamper their careers greatly. I'll throw out Koskie too, even though it was post-Twins I'd like to have seen him not suffer.

    2. I was a big Castino fan at the time. But, looking back, he had a middling middle infielder bat, playing 3b.

      Still, a disappointing loss.

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