September 4, 2023: All Our Times Have Come

I saw too late that BÖC played the local Labor Day festival on Friday. Going to have to stay more on top of these things next time.

Hope your weekend has been a great one.

10 thoughts on “September 4, 2023: All Our Times Have Come”

  1. Brock Stewart hasnt pitched since June 25, but he is still 12th on the team in bWAR

    I find that interesting.

  2. Younger Daughter's wedding is in less than three weeks now and I'm starting to feel the pressure. Fortunately, the only major expense left is the booze, but the logistics of this thing are more than I want to think about.

  3. When the road trip wraps up this week I will work at the ballpark Friday and Saturday, take my wife to the game on Sunday, then work the games next Monday and Tuesday, so five straight days at TF. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

  4. Man, when Gallo does get ahold of one and send it flying it really is impressive. The rarity making it more so, I suppose.

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