22 thoughts on “January 14, 2024: The Big Chill”

  1. It's currently -22 in beautiful Gettysburg, with a wind chill of -51. I'm sure it's not a record, but it's certainly cold enough.

    1. I had to look it up, the coldest day I ever experienced was -41 F on December 19, 1983 in St. Cloud. The low temp the next day was -35. I remember we brought batteries inside to warm up, then slid garbage can lids full of charcoal under the engines to get the oil and everything else warm. Once we got one car running we used it to jump start the others, it took two or three hours to get all of the vehicles behind the fraternity house up and running that day.

      1. I remember the propane tank liquified once at the house by Park Rapids. My uncle came over to put charcoal briquets next to the tank so we could heat the house….

      2. I remember doing the charcoal thing under my car once or twice in college. In retrospect, hot coals and questionable engineering in an early-1970s engine doesn't seem the safest thing in the world.

  2. [Ed: cleaned it up for you. links have to say “twitter” instead of “x.com”. small annoyance, but i hope that plugin never gets updated.]

        1. I see one game picked out but it isn't right. Without a higher resolution image, I don't think it can be figured out.

          1. Other helpful points in the comments:
            -Twins didn't wear red crown hats until '76
            -Brewers had another third base coach that wore #24 in from '76-'77.

    1. There are a couple of other player numbers that are theoretically visible, but the photo seems to have been taken with a potato (or someone’s 110 camera).

    1. I want them to lose so people won't spend the week complaining that they have to curl during the Packer game on a day they chose to curl on. Ugh, I hate football.

    1. Awoooooo

      Love that the new addition is the disrespectful pointing from SloMo and Luka. RSwany (the creator on reddit of these) is the best

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