21 thoughts on “February 19, 2024: Dead Prez”

  1. There's a street gang named after President Martin Van Buren?
    Oh yeah. And they're just as mean as he was.

    1. I generally don't watch all-star festivities, but man, from everything I read it sounds like we need to just take TNT off the air altogether.

  2. I had to terminate someone this morning for performance issues, which sucked because I really liked them. They asked me for a hug afterwards. Weird morning.

    1. I knew someone was going to be terminated for similar issues (which I was fine with), but the manager wasn't going to be back for about 3 days before it happened. Was weird having to smile and be like, hey, how's it going, over the interim.

      1. Yeah, similar here. I was gone Friday and my colleague had to inconspicuously encourage her to catch up on paperwork

    1. To be honest, I was not expecting this. He must really be enjoying it here, which, I suppose, winning helps with.

      1. It sounded like there weren't a lot of competitive teams that could afford him so I'm sure that played a role.

  3. So. Many. Whales.

    We parked at Papawei Scenic Lookout pre-sunrise and saw a cr@pton of whales near us and throughout the bay. None were leaping like the night before, but there was a lot of tail-slapping going on. The sun rose right near the summit of Haleakala by the observatories; if I was on the ball, I'd have snapped a real nice photo. Maybe we'll go back in a couple days

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