March 6, 2024: Weird Al or Weird AI?

They're implementing some AI programs here at work. So far I've just being have fun creating weird visualizations like this here header photo.

*The prompt for this was "create a picture of a samurai robot holding a coffee cup with the letters "WGOM" on the surface of pluto with tiny Minnesota Twins baseball players in the background."

11 thoughts on “March 6, 2024: Weird Al or Weird AI?”

  1. Twins still have one home run record from 2019 to themselves.

  2. Daughter ran a stop sign yesterday and her car was T-boned. Everyone is okay physically. Thankfully the impact was behind the driver's side rear door. A split second different and she very much might not be okay. 😥

    In my typical way I haven’t acted like it’s bothered me, but my trouble sleeping all night says otherwise.

    For the likely replacement vehicle purchase, safety/crash test ratings will be high on my list. Our mechanic speaks highly of the Toyota RAV4.

    1. Glad to hear she’s okay. I was T-boned in a similar situation (traffic lights were out at a highway intersection, I treated it as a 4-way but the Expedition going 55mph didn’t) and got similarly very lucky. I doubt I’d be here if I hadn’t been driving a 1977 Volvo with 377k on it — any faster off the line and I would’ve got hit square in the door instead of the front wheel, any less well-engineered and I wouldn’t have survived the accident. I hope the experience doesn’t leave any lingering marks for any of you.

      I just hit the 10k service on the RAV4 and have had no issues. The current generation has been in production since 2018 and seems pretty well packaged. I’ve also gotten good service from a 2008 Subaru Outback that’s currently at 160k. I would have strongly considered another Subaru if a hybrid had been an option.

    2. I feel you. Younger Daughter has been in three wrecks so far. First she slid through a red light at St. Thomas in our Chrysler minivan and hit a car, then she dozed off in my Camry and ran off the road and into a brick light pole, and then she pulled out of the Target parking lot in her BMW and got T-boned. If safety is a priority, Toyota and Subaru are good options. I got T-boned by Target Field in my 2006 Hyundai Santa Fe a few years ago and was able to drive it home with a front fender duct taped on and a bent strut on the driver side. I used the insurance money to buy a newer Santa Fe (2011), so I vouch for them, although on the downside they do have the steal-me ignitions and catalytic converters. Also, that minivan was a tank, I think Indiana Jones could have survived an atomic explosion inside it.

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