I didn't see a game log, so here's one. The Twins really need Joe Ryan to take a step forward this season. Not that he was bad last year, but they need him to be better this year. Hopefully this will be the start of that. Go Twins!

I didn't see a game log, so here's one. The Twins really need Joe Ryan to take a step forward this season. Not that he was bad last year, but they need him to be better this year. Hopefully this will be the start of that. Go Twins!
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This is here.
Castro at third and Wallner in right, replacing Lewis and Kepler, respectively.
I was skeptical of Atteberry as the radio voice of the Twins, but so far, I've been okay with him.
Meanwhile, its a small sample size but Provus and Morneau sound like they have some nice chemistry.
We were driving during the game today so I had it on the whole time. I've never been an Atteberry fan, but I would agree he was okay. But just okay. There were a lot of first pitches missed in the play-by-play, so a lot of batters seemed to start at 0-1 or 1-0. I felt like Gladden was really the weak link today though - he seemed to forget he was the play-by-play guy during those middle innings.
Please don't hit Buxton with baseballs, thank you. (hit his pad so he's fine, I just worry)
A promising start to the fourth fizzled out quickly.
Though to be fair, they should have had a couple runs but the left fielder made a really nice catch on the Correa line drive. That Wallner at bat was pure stink, though.
Let's take advantage of the error, boys.
Wrong spot.
The sentiment is still appreciated.
But unfulfilled.
MLB audio doesn't seem to be nearly as far behind the TV this year as it was last year.
Just tuned in -- looks like quite the
pitching duelnot hitting duel hereWhy didn't they send the @ssbats down to the minor league camp?
I agree with walking Salvador Perez.
I still agree with it. The fact that it didn't work out doesn't mean it was the wrong decision.
Okert: probation
Mid season form
Are we gonna do that "QS-L" thing again? That was so last season
The more things change...
Rally fez!
Gave that a ride. Juuust not enough.
That's a Buxton-double if I've ever seen one.
Generous strike. We'll take it.
that was a hell of a tag.
HBP, BB. Now we need a catcher's interference and a balk.
Or that! Vasquez!
I approve!
That should offset the negative WAR from the 7th
That'll do, Kiriloff.
Much more traditional double that time.
I show up, the Twins score in consecutive innings. Coincidence? I think not.
A quick nap and another rally/win. Coincidence? I think not...
Another game, another win, another time only giving up a single run.
160 more games against the Royals?
Seems faie
Two down, one hundred sixty to go. 162-0! It's happening!