i'd never really heard of ms. nyro before her HoF nomination. perhaps that's worth changing. congratulations on getting in.
i'd never really heard of ms. nyro before her HoF nomination. perhaps that's worth changing. congratulations on getting in.
i was listening to an NPR interview with a film scorer, and they discussed the music in the third man, which i hadn't seen (sorry, filmbuffs) and hadn't heard before. pretty sweet story behind mr. karas.
i'd heard of a zither, but hadn't seen one. while listening to the interview and music, i thought, "that might be something fun to learn how to play." after seeing this clip, i thought, "nnnnoooope."
well, that was fun. anyway, back to the daily grind...
by the way, van hunt is awesome. get you some.
i recognize that the butthole surfers have a wide and distinguished catalog (though i must admit to being largely unfamiliar with it). technically though, they are a one hit wonder.
i will also admit to this track being semi-omnipresent during the summer of `96, and that summer being awesome.
the first show i went to as a semi-sentient musical being (not including that aerosmith show during their get a grip tour [don't say a word]) was hole playing first avenue. in my defense, live through this was a halfway decent album for a 13 year old that had basically worshiped kurt cobain. that said, veruca salt opened for them, and i thought their set kicked ass. my first hipster moment was when this track hit the airwaves after i'd already been digging on this album for awhile.
i've been meaning to dig this out for awhile...
yeah, we might as well do this...
i hold no particular love for this song, nor the band (or ezra, whomever they are). however, this song takes me back to good times when the radio played this song far more than it deserved, and a night when a younger joe had comp tickets to these guys headlining a first ave show that we went to for no good reason, and the memories of said night that i won't get into.
so, no one's paying attention? good. then i'll play one of my favorite OHW's from the 90's:
i never listened to anything else by these guys, but this song was pretty sweet (i loved that half measure they threw in there).
happy black friday! be you coming home from work, or coming home from shopping, you're all nuts.
love me some oboepop.
bravo to beau, who ably handled his DJ week (i would be remiss if i didn't say i breathed a sigh of relief when FUTK did not make an appearance). we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...