apparently this young man is starting to make a bit of a name for himself. i'm definitely okay with that.
apparently this young man is starting to make a bit of a name for himself. i'm definitely okay with that.
back when the hitman played this a few months back, these guys were a little band called "the shakes" that you'd probably never heard of. so much so that there was almost no decent live material to be found. now, it seems these guys are starting to blow up a bit. here's a vid that i'm sure he would have played instead if he'd had access to it.
if you haven't check out these guys already (and i know several citizens are already on the bandwagon), get you some hipster cred while you can.
(oh yeah, and the new album is coming out in april, you guys)
not sure how many people will be around, but might as well not crowd the CoC. you all know the story. NE v. NYG v. commercials. enjoy.
sorry, you guys, tonight has been super busy. here's something i pulled from a friend's book of face's page. could be much worse...
i like the new album as a whole, but no one song (or songs) has(/have) jump(ed) out at me yet. here's one from the day that did.
here's middle brother performing "middle brother" from their self-titled debut of, uh, the same name...? whatever.
search results for ricky rubio's favorite band aren't quite as specific, so here's some spanish hip hop.
also, the hitman's search returns slightly different results now...
these guys picked one of the more annoying band names to try to google. live at the entry:
definitely one of the more exciting musicians on the scene today.
we're going to keep the 2nd comedy week in our back pocket for now. in the meantime: music!
about a year ago