British Hippity Hoppity.
All posts by meat
Fitliness is Next to Godliness
I emailed Stick from Ireland to tell him that I was inspired by his journey to lose weight, exercise, and become more healthy uber alles. I was inspired for a number of reasons, but chief among those was his determination to make this the last time he struggled with weight. As I've gotten older I've definitely found that it's harder and harder to lose the extra 5 lbs that I put on over the holidays, so I know that I have to change things now before it becomes impossible. I've been roughly the same size for most of my adult life, never tipping over 280, but always hovering around 265. When I returned home from Ireland I was at a breaking point. Continue reading Fitliness is Next to Godliness
Man Man –
That's a lot of band smashed into a funk taxi.
The Evens – Cut From The Cloth
The Evens is just another Ian MAcKaye joint. Experimental noise rock from just two folks. Their new album, the odds, is out to good reviews. Something about Ian's voice really takes me back to my punk rock youth.
2006, Amherst MA
December 2 – Medium Roasted
The old pot burned on the warmer.
Beirut – East Harlem – Santa Fe – Serbian Cocek
A lot of me really wants to hate this band*, but I'm really digging this tiny desk concert.
*h/t to jobu
Pine Leaf Boys – Quoi Faire
Crawfish fest, 2011
I love that the front man of Cajun bands is the dude with the squeeze box. It's high time someone other than the man behind the guitar got the chicks.
Gary Clark Jr. – Bright Lights
Gary Clark Jr.'s new, major label debut album Blak and Blu is out to mixed reviews because he attempts a dozen or so styles on the one album. I haven't heard it and can't comment on that aspect, but do love his voice and the way he strums that guitar.
Calexico – Splitter
Metallica – Fade To Black
Get it? It's Black Friday, you guys. Oh, I ruined it by explaining it. d'oh.