All posts by Philosofer

WGOM Fitness: 13 September 2013, Improbable

1 week ago I weighed in at 207.  This morning that number was 202.  That seems improbable to me.  Perhaps I was at an innacurate high when I weighed in initially.  Perhaps I'm artificially low this morning for some reason.  Either way, I'm sure that I haven't truly lost 5 pounds on the little I did this past week.

On the other hand... Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 13 September 2013, Improbable

WGOM Fitness: September 9, 2013, You! Shall Not! Pass!

Alright, we really needed a new fitness post.  I take it I am not alone in letting things slide lately.  The heat and stress (Work!  No daycare!  Wife starting classes again!)  of the past month have completely derailed my workouts.  My willpower on diet has been nearly non-existent too.  I've been avoiding scales.

But I stepped on last Friday.  Moment of truth, and all that.  Continue reading WGOM Fitness: September 9, 2013, You! Shall Not! Pass!

WGOM Fitness: 22 July 2013, Summertime And The Eatin’ Is Easy

I love the easiness of eating healthy in summer. I eat fruit galore in the summer, whole bushels of blueberries and raspberries and blackberries. Peaches regularly visit our grill. I hate watermelon, but there's usually a lot of that around our house too, since Philosofette is silly enough to enjoy it. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 22 July 2013, Summertime And The Eatin’ Is Easy

WGOM Fitness: July 15, 2013, Vacation

I was on vacation for the last week and a half or so. I didn't count calories at all. I didn't set out to do any specific workouts. I managed to do some substantial hiking, and got a few good workouts in that way, but nothing that was dedicated as a workout for itself. I consumed far too many liquid calories. I find myself up a few pounds (back around 205) after that stretch. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: July 15, 2013, Vacation

Shrimp Lettuce Cups

Given some of the culinary smart-people we have running around this site, I hardly feel qualified to put up a recipe.  But I'm just so darn happy with how dinner tonight turned out (no recipe, this just made sense to me! I'm sure I've had something like it somewhere else before, of course. Still...), that I figured I'd put something together.  Also, many of these ingredients came from our CSA this week. Also, I want other people to put up recipes more often, in dedicated Nation Has An Appetite form, so they're easier for me to find when I want them.  So I'll lead the way. Continue reading Shrimp Lettuce Cups