Rhubarb, ragweed and the cats remain outside shots to be the trigger to Sour Cream's allergic events. Whichever is the case, we're thankful that Miette isn't going into anaphylaxis or anything, and has kept high spirits and energy despite the puffy face and rash. We certainly hope it isn't a meat allergy, and Miette especially doesn't want it to be a cat allergy, but I think we're equipped to take this particular curveball from life, whatever the case.
All posts by spookymilk
September 28, 2017: White Sox Win!
The Twins are in the playoffs!
September 27, 2017: Clinching Day
Yes, I'm jinxing everything by announcing it aloud. I can't help myself.
September 24, 2017: Even Closer
Twins win; Angels and Rangers lose. Waiting to attend a game at the next homestand is starting to look like a mistake, as the Twins could clinch before then.
September 23, 2017: Ideal Day
Twins win while the three closest pursuers lose. I thought this team was going to fade for a long while, but they're nearly there.
September 22, 2017: Teenager
Today is the first day of many where I will have a teenaged daughter. Fun?
September 19, 2017: Shots
I did a couple of shots last night for the first time in a while. I'll let you know how that went, since I'm writing this just minutes afterward.
Online celebration combined with real-life stresses. A dangerous cocktail, this.
September 17, 2017: Although My Toes Are Never Safe
I love these ridiculous cats.
September 14, 2017: Late-Inning Heroics
Two wins in two very different games with San Diego. It's still fun.
September 12, 2017: Shuffling
Different scheduling this week means that I'm off a second day in a row with nobody else home and nothing to do. Who wants to have a drink at noon?