It's too early to say this one didn't become a hit. It should.
I have my tickets to see them at First Avenue in August. Am I the only one?
Josh Ritter was at my friend's wedding. His wife went to high school with him. (Useless information.)
This would have been a huge hit in the '70s.
Here is my Wilco story: I was working in the NW suburbs of Chicago in 1997. Being There was my favorite album at the time. I listened to a little indie radio station called WCBR - The Bear. They announced that Wilco would be playing Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. I think this is the only place that advertised the show. My wife and I got tickets. We get to the college and the venue is basically a big lecture hall. I was sitting in the 4th row right next to Tweedy's wife who was holding their then 2-year old son wearing big ear protection. Tweedy walks out and the first thing he does is says, "We're playing a f'n classroom?!"
The show was great. It felt like we were sitting in the band's living room. They took requests from the crowd and, at one point in the show, Tweedy came and grabbed his fussy son and sat him on his lap.
This is the song that I thought would make them stars.
It's Algonad week! The best week of the year!!!!
I have to admit it, I don't understand the music industry. I primarily listen to rock/pop. It can have a little country flavor or a little bit of soul, but it is primarily rock. There are a lot of songs out there where I just can't understand why they aren't mainstream hits.
I decided to make that my theme for the week. These aren't exactly underground songs but they are songs that don't get as much mainstream love as I would think that they should get.
One of Buffalo's best, Roger Bryan and his band.
Coming tomorrow, a guest week starts featuring algonad.
journeyman lee fields shows he can still kick it.
I just picked up a new bio on e and his rotating cast.
Not all that much info that wasn't already out there but worth a read if you enjoy the band (Mak maybe?)
this is how i will feel about a twins win after the inevitable twins loss the next day.