Category Archives: WGOM Videos

Veruca Salt – Seether

the first show i went to as a semi-sentient musical being (not including that aerosmith show during their get a grip tour [don't say a word]) was hole playing first avenue. in my defense, live through this was a halfway decent album for a 13 year old that had basically worshiped kurt cobain. that said, veruca salt opened for them, and i thought their set kicked ass. my first hipster moment was when this track hit the airwaves after i'd already been digging on this album for awhile.


i've been meaning to dig this out for awhile...

8 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 108 votes, average: 7.50 out of 10 (8 votes, average: 7.50 out of 10)
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Better Than Ezra – Good

yeah, we might as well do this...


i hold no particular love for this song, nor the band (or ezra, whomever they are). however, this song takes me back to good times when the radio played this song far more than it deserved, and a night when a younger joe had comp tickets to these guys headlining a first ave show that we went to for no good reason, and the memories of said night that i won't get into.

8 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 108 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10 (8 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10)
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The Toadies – Possum Kingdom

so, no one's paying attention? good. then i'll play one of my favorite OHW's from the 90's:


i never listened to anything else by these guys, but this song was pretty sweet (i loved that half measure they threw in there).

5 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 105 votes, average: 8.20 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 8.20 out of 10)
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