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Hell yeah. Way more into this than I thought I'd be.
I wonder if there's a band called "Dunkin".
Xylophone solo!
Let's do this, gang!
This man is entirely pleated
What I said over there.
Feb 2006
The Decemberists jump on the 80sesque bandwagon for their newest album. I'm guessing it's inescapable on the Current.
I already warned the wife that if the Cubs make it to the end, I'm definitely heading to the city to watch them tear Wrigleyville to pieces.
Nice mustache, buddy.
Huh, well, if no one will watch this train wreck of a video, then here's an even more train wreckier video!
28 small 2015
NSFW: Some scantily clad ladies dancing in the background. Perhaps lyrics too? No clue there.
Yeah, these guys are a buncha flaming hipsters (just look at that mustache), but their new album has been in heavy rotation on the joePod.