Tag Archives: Sickness

FMD 3/6/2020: Music For A Quarantine

Well I've got my daughter in the office for the second day in a row - yesterday daycare was closed because of illness and today she's with me because she had a high enough fever that she couldn't go to daycare (though it came down with meds pretty quickly).

And also there's some sort of health related issue in the news?

So: music for a quarantine. Or illness. I suppose that's generally a time when I don't play music. Should I? Would that help a person get better? Is this topic really any different than cabin fever music or desert island music? I dunno.

FMD: The Best Laid Plans

I had some plans to put together a couple discussion topics - and hopefully I'll get to them at some point (recognizing that I'm covering both Christmas and New Year's... discussion might not be exactly happening on those days)(Can I get added for another month's rotation at the back end of the schedule?). But my kid puked all over the house last night, so I was addressing other things than planning this post. So I'm just gonna shoot from the gut and spew some words in this space so there's something going up for y'all to hurl your random 10 at.

Anyway, for today, how about we talk "non-standard" Christmas songs. I had a couple more to mention, but for now I'll just nominate this one as one everyone should add to their regular Christmas listening:


What holiday songs do you know that others should be adding?

Also, drop your lists!

Father Knows Best: Father’s Day

It turns out I have the good fortune to write our Father Knows Best post the week after Father's Day.  I wish I could say this was well-planned on my part, but, like most of my parenting, I just sort of stumbled into it.  I wasn't entirely sure what to write about, but then my "kids" (Philosofette) wrote a whole bunch of post-it notes about the things I do for them and posted them all around our apartment.  It made me feel pretty awesome.  I'm going to use a couple of those notes to hit on some of the high points of my parenting.  Since, you know... they're few and far between. Continue reading Father Knows Best: Father’s Day