Tag Archives: Friday Music Day

Friday Music Day – Happy 30th Birthday Bee Thousand

Guided By Voices Bee Thousand is 30 years old today! I wrote about a long time ago at the WGOM and you can access that here.

Classic Album Review: Guided By Voices — Bee Thousand (1994)

Anyway, I'm still a GBV geek all thanks to this album. So a question for the group, is there a single album, song, concert, etc., that you can look back on and say, "yup, that was the moment I became a fan of this band.

FMD: Bucket List Artists

The theme of my selections this week has been my notion of a “4-Hour Bucket List” — artists I would happily drive four hours in one direction to see if that was the closest show to my area.

The inspiration was an artist I first saw after COVID, am thinking I may have missed my opportunity. Fortunately, I’ll be seeing him for a second time in a couple weeks, at which point I’m fairly certain he’ll be the oldest performer I’ve bought a ticket to see: Willie Nelson , who just turned 91 on Monday.

So, let’s see your bucket list artists. Who is on your bucket list?

Friday Music Day – 3/25/22 – Soundtrack edition

Today's video is the Rolling Stones - She's A Rainbow, which I "liked" on Spotify after enjoying the soundtrack on Cruella. The movie was enjoyable enough, but the soundtrack really stood out for me, with a groovy, 60's London rock vibe going, and some exposure to tracks and artists (Ike & Tina!) I'm glad to add to my listening.

What's a favorite soundtrack for you, or one that opened you up to some music you needed to be paying attention to?

And drop your lists.

Have a groovy Friday, folks.

FMD: Time Has Come Today

Your doorbell rings. On the steps is a traveler, someone who looks to be in their early twenties. They’re a local resident. They think they haven’t gone far out of their way, but they seem confused. In reality, they’re lost. They have appeared on your doorstep at the end of a sudden journey.

The traveler looks down at a note in their hand. By their puzzled expression, it’s clear that the note was not there a moment ago. They hand you the note. It reads:

I have arrived from the past. When I left, it was August 7th, 1965. My journey has left me unable to talk with you, but I can listen. I know the general outline of the intervening years between now and when I left.

Back home, I play & listen to music all the time — it helps me make sense of the changing world around me. I am permitted to stay with you for the span of five songs. Please play songs that will tell me something about your world, and how your world emerged from the world I just left. I will take what I hear back with me.

You bring them inside your home, stall for time by getting them something to drink. What are you going to play? Why?

Friday Music Day: Transitions….or not

Happy Friday, all. You made it through another week. Give yourself a pat on the back, and maybe a beer, if you indulge.

This is right around the time of year where my music taste would metamorphose. Winter is the time of year for darker and often harsher music, and Summer is obviously the time for lighter, poppier, more airy music.

That hasn't really happened yet this year. I think that's partially because, with only a few exceptions, this Spring has been kind of chilly. It hasn't really felt like "windows rolled down" kind of weather, so it hasn't really felt like "windows rolled down" kind of music, either.

Does anyone else do this every year? If so, have you yet this year?