July 7, 2013: Something

I had an idea for the CoC while I was at work, but it's gone. It was probably current-event or Twins-related. So, go ahead and comment on whatever it was that I planned to say.

16 thoughts on “July 7, 2013: Something”

  1. Horrible accident yesterday at SFO. I think we are all thankful that it wasn't worse, as it easily could have been.

  2. and an awful tragedy on the 4th here in the hometown. We were at the fire station for the annual pancake breakfast, talking with one of the firemen and his wife when the call came in.

    apparently, the toddler unbuckled himself from the stroller and raced out into the parking lot before his mom (5+ months pregnant) could stop him.

    the universe sucks sometimes.

  3. My rugby coach from Iowa and his wife are on their way through town this evening en route to a New England vacation. We should be able to meet up for dinner later. I'm super excited to see someone from home.

  4. Man. I was at an opening last night and a friend of a friend got a bit tipsy. We all headed to our local for a post art drink, and the dude proceeded to get falling down drunk. He picked a fight with me over some trivial matter that I let slide, and then tried to get to his car to drive home. My friend and I stepped in his way, and, after much persuasion, got him to agree to let us take him home. Half way to my car he freaked out at me, and started wildly telling our mutual friend that I can't be trusted. I backed off, but let him know in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't be driving. I gave him the option to call a cab or take a ride (dude lives less than a block from me), or that I'd walk him to the streetcar. He was crazy. A guy who lives in the neighborhood came out to see what the commotion was about and told me that he was on the verge of calling the cops. I talked the neighbor into letting me and my friend drag this wasted kid out of the hood, and promised the neighbor that the dude wouldn't be driving anywhere. We walked half a block further and the wasted kid bolted down a side street only to twist up his ankle in a pot hole the size of a VW bug. He hit his head on the way down. We put the pieces back together (he didn't manage to cut his head or break his glasses), and then he tells us that he has a prior DWI and know, knows, knows that he's totally safe to drive this time. It took 45 minutes to get him 3 blocks and another 15 minutes to get him into the car. He still wouldn't accept a ride from me because I can't be trusted.

    Then my friend locked his keys in the car at the drunk dude's house. I'm still not sure what the hell happened, and am truly surprised that someone with a DWI would refuse a free ride home from a sober cab. Crazy.

    1. If I have learned anything from watching movies, you should have knocked him out with one punch and driven him home.

      1. It nearly came to blows more than once. I'm no fighter, but hot damn I wanted to punch that kid.

        1. There've been a couple drunk people I've wanted to punch, but I've always managed to convince myself it's not worth it. Luckily, I'm rarely around extremely drunk people.

          You and your friend did the right thing by making sure he didn't drive- good for you two on keeping crazy from becoming something worse.

  5. Only 13 hours to drive home, but I had time to mow the lawn before I leave tomorrow for Rowsdowerland. Wished I could have had more time to actually do anything while in MN, but with my parents getting older, the time spent there is important.

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