26 thoughts on “July 30, 2016: Two Free Tickets”

  1. Hmmm . . . the fan in the bathroom just stopped working. Has anyone here replaced one? Is it a pretty simple job?

    One of my goals this year is to become better at fixing/installing stuff around the house. I have assembled IKEA furniture, patched holes in the wall, and painted, but I'd like to be able to do more.

    1. Wait, I've seen this one before -- it's the battery, and maybe the alternator.

      Fans are absolutely replaceable. It depends on how old it is and the type, but there are only a kajillion how-to's on YouTube like this to help out.

    2. The university of YouTube is a real thing. You totes got this. Good luck storming the castle.

    3. Thanks for all the words of encouragement! The peperoncino and I made a trip to Home Depot this afternoon, but I didn't like the options, so I've ordered a fan they carry online only. In the meantime, I picked up a couple of toilet seats and will replace the existing ones tomorrow. Seems like a good, basic warm-up!

  2. Ugh. I need some good vibes, folks. Went to the north shore with the whole family and had a great vacation. Spent last night at the folks' house and was shook awake by my mom who was on the phone with 911. My old man thought he'd had a heart attack, and we spent the better part of the night at the hospital. Seems that he's okay, but will need to stay through Monday morning for a stress test.

    1. I once went to the ER in the middle of the night with pain and pressure in my chest. Turns out it was basically indigestion. The doctor said it was probably acid reflux (I was just getting over the flu) that was causing my esophagus to spasm. That's when I first was told that caffeine causes my stomach to make a lot more acid. I had to stay away from caffeine for a few days, which meant a lovely caffeine withdrawal headache. I was very glad that I had gone in. I needed the peace of mind to know it wasn't something more serious. Hopefully, it is something similar for your dad.

  3. Despite the Air France cabin-workers strike, we made it to Nantes from JFK, and despite the 40 minute traffic jam in Vannes, we are in Carnac in Brittany.

    Had moules Bretagne + frites for late lunch, and now jet lag is competing with reading books. Jet lag is the favorite.

    Tomorrow after coffee/croissants: alignments, dolmens, menhirs, tumuli, and single menhirs.

    Hope to get some mackerel from the fishmonger down the street for the grill.

    1. Assuming that means he's going to be with the Twins soon, that requires a spot to have opened on the roster. I can't think of anyone going on the DL or being released so a trade. Santana maybe?

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