17 thoughts on “December 23, 2018: WGOMXMASMIX 2017”

    1. We won't have a white Christmas, but we're supposed to get a bunch of snow a day or two after Christmas.

  1. As a long-time fan of Our Greatest Living Thespian, I have been disturbed and fascinated by the kerfuffle surrounding his "controversial" #metoo comments.

    My hot takes are (1) I am gonna tread very carefully and (2) lots of people seem not to read very carefully.

    1. I think headlines are part of the problem. They pick the most controversial four-word phrase of the entire article and it sounds much worse out of context.

    2. The quote from the interview seemed OK, but he really should have stopped there. His Twitter comments were, uh, not helpful to anyone.

    1. I used to read that every year and somehow it just got lost. I never think to go back and read ones I’ve already read, either, to see what’s been produced, what hasn’t, and what may have been produced under a different name.

    1. I love it when headlines have words like "might" or "could". Nearly anything "might" happen or "could" happen.

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