Van Halen – Feel Your Love Tonight

I’m going to start the week with rock and roll because for the most part, rock still dominated popular music. Van Halen came out in 1978 and blew my 15-year-old mind away. This is still one of my favorite songs of all time and this performance really shows what early Van Halen was like alive. I flipped out when I found this video. This album is important because rock was getting a little stodgy (I’m looking at you Foreigner and Styx). Van Halen gave rock a much-needed kick in the ass. The drum solo got a little long, unfortunately.

2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10)
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