January 16, 2024: Ver.1E0201.58

The wife has a moderately older car that she's in no rush to get rid of. I stumbled across a way to update the firmware in her in-dash console and add a bunch of cool features. The main problem was I had to crack open her dashboard to do it. As of right now, everything is reassembled and I didn't kill the car's computer. Score!

20 thoughts on “January 16, 2024: Ver.1E0201.58”

  1. School cancelled for us too this morning. I unfortunately found out after my alarm went off this morning and I saw the district made the decision only shortly before. I "went back to sleep" until the oldest responsibly got up on his own 40 minutes later despite me turning off the alarm.

  2. Thing apart the A-pillar of the brand new car to run the power cable for the dashcam behind the trim & airbag and up into the headliner was an experience I did not relish. And if I ever have to replace the dashcam I’ll need to replace the cable because that model hadn’t made the switch from USB-Mini/Micro/Dogturd to USB-C yet.

    USB-C all the things, dammit!

      1. I probably wouldn't have thought of that at the time but it was my first thought after reading CH's post. However, it's possible an adapter wouldn't have fit or the dashcam uses a non-standard USB adapter to get an out-of-spec amount of current. That wouldn't work with a generic USB C plug.

        1. I’m also hesitant about adding an additional point of failure to the system. I’d hate to need the footage, only to discover the $3 adapter had silently failed somehow.

  3. Speaking of schools, I decided that I needed a career change. I don’t want to leave the museum totally but I’ve recognized that I can’t count on being physically able to do the labor required to build exhibitions into my 60s. So, chemistry one oh one for this boyo. First step to applying for conservation school. By the time I’m 50 I may be starting a new career. Typing that made me want to take a nap.

        1. Iowa Central built a really good rugby program over the last 10 years.

          They've even had some guys taken in the MLR draft

      1. If everything works out I'll be conserving the product of deforestation (paper object conservation / book conservation) (and really, the best papers are cotton based but that didn't work with the joke).

        1. I got a twitter/bluesky buddy who is some sort of rare book librarian. If you want an introduction, let me know.

    1. Congratulations! I started seminary at 47 and graduated at 50, so I'm here to tell you it an be done. Good luck!

      1. Padre - the association I apparently have with you and The Good Word, means that I read your comment and my brain translated it, “…I’m here to tell you, ‘thy will’ be done.”

        Congratulations meat & best of luck! I have a good friend who was breaking down at his old profession (framing/drywall/general carpentry) and decided to switch it up in his mid-30’s. He’s now nearly 50, working as an RN, and (maybe) taking the next steps on the NP track.

        1. I toyed with the idea of nursing school ~8 years ago..... I'm kinda glad I didn't because the last 4 or so years, but I'm kinda sad I didn't because .... choices.

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