All posts by hungry joe

March 31 30, 2017: Game Log (& Recap(?)) Sign-Up

Looks like the season is right around the corner, so we should probably get this going. I'll keep on with Mondays. Let us know if you want in and will update the list below:

Sunday: socaltwinsfan
Monday: hungry joe
Tuesday: freealonzo
Wednesday: Can o' Corn
Thursday: cheaptoy
Friday: davidwatts
Saturday: nibbish
All-Star Game: Rhubarb_Runner
2039 Playoffs: Rhubarb_Runner

Volunteers: Jeff A, Can o' Corn

Also, is there any interest in Game Recaps? That feature has been a little, uh, "anemic" in years past. If there are volunteers, we'll get a sign up going for it.