New Angel Olsen!
29 Aug 2016
New Angel Olsen!
29 Aug 2016
We also say goodbye to famed Mexican singer, the big Juanga himself, Juan Gabriel.
We also say goodbye to legendary harmonicaist harmonicaer harmonica player Toots Thielemans.
Alright, so this is an unorthodox choice. I couldn't decide between a lot of iconic performances, so instead, here's a scene from Wilder's (and Pryor's) final film (but, uh... the dialog is in Portuguese... and stuff).
2016 continues to be a harsh mistress (as the next couple days will also note).
These logs are seeming more and more optional by the game.
B League will draft on Monday, 5 September 2016, at 8:30pm. If there are big problems with that time, we can move it.
That's a success in my book!
No major incidents and the games were pretty fun to watch, I guess. Pole vaulting was cool, and that's really the only sport I pay attention to.
Next, we take Tokyo!
*looks left*
*looks right*
Okay, I think we made it without any musical legends dying today.
*looks over shoulder*