Here we go. Let's do... something.
Continue reading 2014 Game 121 – Kansas City Royals vs. Minnesota Twins – FREE MLB.TV GAME ALERT
Here we go. Let's do... something.
Continue reading 2014 Game 121 – Kansas City Royals vs. Minnesota Twins – FREE MLB.TV GAME ALERT
Yeah, these guys are a buncha flaming hipsters (just look at that mustache), but their new album has been in heavy rotation on the joePod.
Huh, first I'd heard of this: Tweedy & Son have a new album coming out. Here they are like a buncha hobos playing in a state park tunnel with drums made out of trash.
With an assist from a few members from Lucius.
This is a cup of coffee.
I hate both of these guys. But maybe you don't.
It's Friday! Have some Cake. You earned it.
Looks like we've got a long series of late games in front of us, you guys. Don't forget to once again brew yourself an extra cup.
As we've recently discussed, not a whole lot of bright spots in our view these days, and I certainly don't have any sunshine to sell you. Let's just keep our heads down, finish up this series without embarrassing ourselves, and go somewhere where the smell of sewage isn't so fresh.
Continue reading 2014 Game 113: Minnesota Twins vs. Oakland Athletics.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Told you.