heading out tonight. you kids be good now.
heading out tonight. you kids be good now.
lizzobanger! dead ahead!
this both fills your holiday cuteness quota while driving the nail of the song a little further into your skull. bonus.
no airport today, just a seven hour drive through a snowstorm.
well, it's crunch time, you guys. good luck with your holidays.
alright, i'm drinking the flavor-aid so far.
many, many thanks to the hitman for his reticent though awesome and compelling DJ week as he unknowingly transitioned us through during the remodeling (by the way, this wood panel is awesome, sean).
hitman, if you were still DJing, i'd tell you that we've already done jazz week, and it's time to transition to the new, no matter how weird and unsettling it is. then, i'd tell you to top this.
sorry for the delay, you guys. i've been meaning to get this together forever. thanks yet again to the citizenry for your amazing showing in blowing the doors off our pledge drive. we can now sit back, relax, and enjoy the amazing content all of you create that makes this the world's greatest online magazine. seriously, i can't say it any better than everyone else already did after the jump. i thought this place was pretty awesome, but your insightful comments and testimonials made realize that it all goes so much deeper than that. i love this place, and i love all of you (um, you know, i mean, like... yeah).
long live the WGOM! i hope this place never, ever, ever changes.
the master, jackie wilson, with help on backing vocals from an old navy commercial.
i've been enjoying their new album, though there are a few songs that, if you had told me it was camera obscura, i would have accepted it without protest.