It's been a while since I did baseball CoCs three days in a row. It's hard not to be excited now, though.
All posts by spookymilk
May 24, 2017: Ervin “Magic” Santana
Smoke, mirrors, reality, whatever. It's all good.
May 23, 2017: The Beatings Continue
Well, gotta get Kyle Gibson a win somehow.
May 20, 2017: Walking Off
More like last night, please.
May 13, 2017: Friday the 13th!!!
...will not happen this month, but I'm on break, and threw myself off for a second.
May 12, 2017: Stupid Internal Clock
I'm off for two weeks while writing this show. No matter what time I go to sleep, I'm getting up between 5:30 and 6:30. Which is particularly odd since I never HAVE to be up in that window.
May 6, 2017: Mauer
May 5, 2017: Viva Benito!
Viva la Cinco de Mayo!
April 30, 2017: Moved In?
After three months in the new place, it finally kind of looks like we live here.
April 27, 2017: The Something