All posts by spookymilk

Screenwriter and actor. Developing a series right now about a public access crew.

2015 Game 108: Twins at Blue Jays

At the game marking the two-thirds point of the season, the Twins hope to stop regressing to the mean and start acting like the team that outplayed expectations throughout most of the first half. My ability to watch this team has been minimal since the All-Star Game thanks to scheduling luck and bad situations, and tonight will be no different, but here's hoping I don't come back to learn that the team has dipped to .500 for the first time in months.

Kyle Gibson, a solid but unpredictable starter, faces Mark Buehrle, whose year-by-year statistics are so predictable you can nearly set a watch to him. Outside of the better laundry he's essentially unchanged from when the Twins saw him on the regular, so that's who they face today.

Okay, Twins. Let's stick around the Wild Card race for a while.

July 30, 2015: More of This

Five weeks ago today, the girls went to a birthday party for a friend where the stepfather - a dude younger than I - was the chaperone. He died a couple of days ago under some strange circumstances. I knew him fairly well, and he was my only friend in the complex. It's been a bad few days at the Casa.

July 29, 2015: The Fuzz

Yesterday we had to change a tire on one of the cars because I was forced into a curb by a cop pursuing someone. The tire blew (which I didn't realize right away; it wasn't fifteen seconds more before I parked). This one gets filed under "That sucks, but there's not much I can do about it."