All posts by Zee German


Let's have some fun this week, shall we? I'm coming off of a week of PTO spent at the kids' big dance shindig in Chicago, so I'm playing songs that get us grooving and moving, or feeling, or are just plain fun. I have a couple links to dances done by the kids' studio so I'll add some of those just to show the fun and phenomenal stuff they can do. Helping the little one practice at home, we always needed some warmup music. Mr. Blue Sky is a go-to for grooving in the basement. Enjoy!

7 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 107 votes, average: 9.43 out of 10 (7 votes, average: 9.43 out of 10)
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AJR – Bummerland

Is this supposed to be new songs in 2020? Well, AJR was new to me this last year. I really like both their sound and their "not sure what I'm doing here" approach to lyrics and message. I played a bunch of their stuff as pandemic fatigue really started to hit in the fall. Great for quick car trips with the bass up a little when you have to get out of the house. And the kids like them.

They're three brothers who seem to be into the joyful production of their own music, so that's cool. They've been around a few years with a number of recognizable songs getting airtime, but are all over the place now with Bang!  (But haven't been featured in WGOM Videos!) They don't have a ton of video choices, so the pick  here is a little arbitrary. Some of my favorites include Weak, Netflix Trip, No Grass Today, Bud Like You, Three-Thirty, Burn the House Down, Call My Dad, Don't Throw Out My Legos, and Birthday Party. Enjoy!

4 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 104 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10 (4 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
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Turisas – Rasputin

Your calls for an encore have been heard and granted. More Finnish Metal! This is another one that makes me grin when it comes through my earbuds. I wouldn't for a moment want anybody to know what in the hell I'm listening to, but more silly metal fun for me.

As an added bonus, while looking for a video (tough call by the way...Official Turisas video is kind of obnoxious, but better audio than the live performance versions), I happened to learn that the original performer was Boney M, below. It’s worth watching for the choreography, if nothing else:

Who is Boney M, you ask? (I would love to know if anybody has heard of them.) A collection of Carribean disco-pop performers based our of West Germany. Why not? The song made to number 1 on a handful of European charts. Charts of what? Couldn't tell you. The fact that this was originally a disco song does answer a few questions I had about what lyrics the Finns were trying to sing.

Even better, Boney M was founded by Frank Farian, who (co) wrote and produced the song.

Farian...why does that name ring a bell? I mean, it didn't, but while trying to figure out what the heck Boney M was, I found out he was the mastermind behind the Milli Vanilli fiasco. I guess having fronts for his music was kind of his thing. He may have been singing the Boney M track above.

Just... weird.


3 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 103 votes, average: 7.00 out of 10 (3 votes, average: 7.00 out of 10)
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