This dude also sings in Water From Your Eyes. I don't think every song on Box for Buddy, Box for Star is great, but boy the ones that are are really, really great. Like this track. 🙂
Category Archives: WGOM Videos
Pissed Jeans – Killing All the Wrong People
"It's not the killing that's inherently wrong, it's that they're killing all the wrong people." Seven years away did not soothe their anger, and Half Divorced was definitely worth the wait.
Les Savy Fav – “Legendary Tippers”
Inches by Les Savy Fav is one of my comfort albums. For 20 years it's been on near constant rotation. I never got into anything else they did as much as that one, and figured they were a band lost to time. Imagine my surprise when I found out they were putting out a new album this year (OUI, LSF). Now multiply that surprise numerous times when I tell you that it's nearly as good as Inches. Highly recommended! "There's a stairway to heaven, but they'll let you slide to hell."
Allie X – “Black Eye”
Hey sorry this is so late! I promise the rest of these will be at more normal hours this week.
Life is relentless, but Allie X has been one of many of the salves that have helped me through this year. And this album (Girl With No Face) kind of flew under the radar, which is unfortunate because it is incredibly good.
Glen Campbell – Classical Gas
Could use some of what Glen's been having to make it through the weekend.
The Raveonettes – Dead Sound
Amy Winehouse – Back To Black
Wilco – Give Back the Key to My Heart
Gwen Stefani, Jimmy Fallon, and The Roots – Hollaback Girl
Hey, it's another one of these.
TV on the Radio – Staring at the Sun