Here's a couple from this band's new album, Shields, the first led by Ed Droste, and the second after the jump, "A Simple Answer", led by Daniel Rossen.
Here's a couple from this band's new album, Shields, the first led by Ed Droste, and the second after the jump, "A Simple Answer", led by Daniel Rossen.
Time for the comeback of my "Bands with more than one lead singer" gimmick. These guys released another solid album, Moms, last month, and will be playing at the Triple Rock in Minneapolis this Saturday night. I'll make a pledge to buy any WGOMer who comes down to check the show out a drink. For now, here's drummer Danny Seim on lead vocals, and head below the jump for another (and a special bonus video!):
Here's the artist formerly known as sad bastard J. Tillman with something a little more upbeat from Fear Fun.
My theme for the 2012 DK-palooza is simply to program stuff I like that's been released this year. So we'll see how this goes. To ease into the mood, here's one from Beach House's recent album, Bloom.
i couldn't decide if i wanted 10 stars from AMR, or 1 star. i went with the former.
starting tomorrow:
I am probably going to regret not playing the Bay City Rollers.
Or maybe not. I don't know. 1975
what were you expecting? rebecca black?
I am pretty sure this band had a designated screamer. IF only I was angrier during my college years, maybe I'd understand.
hmm, not a lot out there for wednesday. though i'm sure you all can prove me wrong (non-live and/or crap video doesn't count).
this was about the best i came across, and it's not terrible, so i consider this a win.
Elliot Smith covers the Minders with awful video quality.
2003. Original, not live, after the jump.
Continue reading Elliott Smith – Hooray For Tuesday