And now for something completely different.
Jools, 2007
And now for something completely different.
Jools, 2007
The beatings will continue until morale improves the vjs post new stuff.
we had a sesame street VHS at the preschool i used to work at with various songs. one rainy day, i saw this track when we put it in (for my first time), and it was then stuck in my head for a number of days. also, happy birffday, O.
(sorry, AMR, but you have to admit this is worth more than 1 star, yes?)
From the Super Music Friend Show
Yo Gabba Gabba is pretty intense.
so ends the glut of unibroue and poutine; flying back home today.
Here is a song that is not Popular.
KEXP, 2012
more new music. here's the opening track to another impressive debut.
I couldn't bring myself to play Billy Ocean.
Not that I am especially proud of this one. I had to recruit Mrs. Buffalo for some input here. I asked "Was Bad Religion cool to punkers or were they for poseurs?" She told me that I am an idiot.
special thanks to rhu_ru for another great guest DJ week.
the critics are going nuts over this album (and i noticed a few citizens were fans of mr. ocean previously), and after listening channel orange all weekend, i can see why.
i don't think this is properly representative of his talents, but it's the best live clip out there for now.
It's missing Larry Fast on keyboards, but how about that? Tony Levin rocking the Stick bass