I could listen to the introduction slowly build for hours.
I could listen to the introduction slowly build for hours.
I absolutely loved their show at the Fine Line back in March (although I was bummed I couldn't find DK). Their drummer was like Russell Brand except if Russell Brand was amusing to watch.
I've always dug this N'awrlins band. They remind me of a plugged-in Wilco.
Caught them last Spring opening for Sharon Jones. Rather than pay Ticketmaster fees, Sheenie offered to go to the State Theater box office forty-five minutes before tickets went on sale. The staff made a big ordeal about how they didn't have time to sort through the system to get people tickets where they wanted (because the State had assigned seating), so to please just take whatever tickets you get (and they all cost the same). Sheenie was handed two tickets in the orchestra pit. We ended up being about three feet from the bari sax. Great stuff.
Apologies for the delay. I did love the sword fight and watched it twice.
Anyway, I rode yesterday with this song in my head. I also was wearing my old Fashion Nugget shirt and had someone approach me at one of the rest stops and ask if Satan was my motor.
Starting tomorrow, Dread Pirate week.
Kick out the Jams, Sir William, kick out the Jams.
i think this album has been discussed. pretty sweet if you haven't already picked it up.
As far as star grabs go this has got to be right up there.
the boy decided to start walking last night. just in time to storm the beaches, i guess.