this is from a series called the "PBR sessions". they certainly dress the part...
decent track though.
this is from a series called the "PBR sessions". they certainly dress the part...
decent track though.
many thanks to free for his awesome week of excellence. solid stuff.
we now return you to your regular dose of half-baked crap.
ms. michelle has a new solo effort out. h/t to my buddy that apparently opened for her at the cedar.
also, did i recently say i love x2 humbuckers? i meant to say that i love double humbucker gretsch hollow bodies. just clarifying.
guys, i want that guitar. make it happen.
new music!
(pretty sure this is live...)
winter is coming...
actually, this album is pretty sweet, you guys.
okay, so i might have swooned a little over this one.
new music for your face.
mmmmm... triple humbucker rickenbacker. i would do a various number of deeds to own one of those.
I need to pick up her new album. Anyone had the chance to give it a spin yet?
SXSW, 2012
more new music. here's the opening track to another impressive debut.
special thanks to rhu_ru for another great guest DJ week.
the critics are going nuts over this album (and i noticed a few citizens were fans of mr. ocean previously), and after listening channel orange all weekend, i can see why.
i don't think this is properly representative of his talents, but it's the best live clip out there for now.