
Guster – Fa Fa

I figured I'd do a Friday post using last week's Stuff I Listened to in High School theme, with the band Guster. Their big gimmick used to be that they used only percussion played by hands - no sticks - but they don't do that exclusively any more since hand percussion is pretty hard on your hands after a while. I think I first heard of them opening for Barenaked Ladies at a show I went to in high school; yeah, when the other dudes I knew were listening to your post-grunge, your pop-punk, and your nü-metal, I was pretty solidly in what seems to me now like the adult-alternative arena. Anyway, they were pretty funny and I still like some of their harmonies. Ryan Miller sings the lead on the verses in this one, at Bonnaroo in 2004.


(There's another one down here...)
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Sonic Youth – Unmade Bed

Some time last year, I asked Bootsy and everyone else to give me some direction on where to go with expanding my knowledge of Sonic Youth. He responded with a music post packed with several fine videos, which is now lost to the aether of the internets (the post, not the videos, I'm sure there'll all still up on the Tube, and one of them, I think, will be here by the end of this post.) In order to prove I learned something from his tutelage, and to show I do listen to something from before 2000, here's several more videos. (Although this first one isn't pre-2000, it's from their 2004 album Sonic Nurse - probably my favorite post-2000 SY album. Except for maybe Murray Street.)

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6 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 106 votes, average: 8.17 out of 10 (6 votes, average: 8.17 out of 10)
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Menomena – TAOS

To fulfill the promise I made many months ago to program a week full of MOR indie guitar rock, I kick off my term at the helm with the Portland-based band Menomena.


Consisting until recently of Justin Harris, Brent Knopf, and Danny Seim (as well as additional guitarist Joe Haege in these videos), Menomena recorded their 2010 album Mines by reportedly emailing each other recorded bits and pieces that they then pieced together and sent back to each other, never actually recording anything in each others' presence because they hate each other so much or something. The above song, sung by Harris, was performed at KEXP radio in Seattle on 7/28/10. Please head beyond the jump for more.
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5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10)
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Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band – The Rising

High School weeks comes to an abrupt end.


At the end of high school I started a summer "love" with a girl heading to NYU. It was one of those, "wait you thought I was good looking all this time? I thought you were a babe the past four years!" things that only comes in the summer after high school. Rather than trying to force it with me in Buffalo and her in New York we ended it before it we ruined out  friendship. We would trade e-mails back and forth and on a Tuesday morning in September she sent me an e-mail saying how great things were going and how I should come and see her. A paragraph or so later she said that she heard some loud noises and that something was going on outside. She said she would e-mail me back later. The time stamp was 9:01AM on September 11th, 2001. A few days later she got back to me. She said words can never describe what it was like so I never asked.  I figured it was the kind of thing that made you grow up too fast. She transferred the next semester.

Feel free to share your stories from ten years ago in the LTEs.

2 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 102 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
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Fleetwood Mac – World Turning

let me relate an anecdote that embodies far too much of my time in high school (of which the specifics are quite forgotten):
most, if not all of my close friends were outside of my high school. in fact, most of my friends in high school were already out of high school anyway, but that's another story. anyway, one these friends came up to me one day and told me they met someone i went to school with. they told them, hey, i know this guy, [joe]. do you know him? apparently not by name. they explained me a little more. eventually, said person said, "oooohhhh, you mean that pissed off kid with the headphones?"

yes, in a school of 1,500+, i was "that pissed off kid with the headphones". honestly, i about died laughing when i heard that. i can understand where it came from as i maintained a "stoic" appearance while walking from one class to the next (and, truthfully, the headphones were kind of omnipresent). what made me laugh especially at the time was instead of lord knows what this person thought i was listening to, i had recently gotten into the mac and was listening to fruity numbers like "i don't want to know", "second hand news", and this one here:

also, i have mentioned this high school week that nirvana made me start playing guitar, and the pumpkins made me semi-proficient at it. while that's true, it was the mac and buckingham that made me drop the pick, and that changed my style entirely. ahh, to be young and thoughtlessly strumming a gee-tar again...

6 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 106 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10 (6 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
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Soul Coughing – Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago

now, i can't admit to soul coughing being extremely influential on a young joe's life. i definitely dug on them though. in fact, a very feverish young joe (which was a rare occasion, no matter what he occasionally told his parents early on school day mornings) saw them headlining at first avenue with low opening. if you're going to go to a show semi-out of your mind (non-chemically enhanced-- wait, or highly chemically enhanced too, i suppose), i might recommend low/soul coughing.


6 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 106 votes, average: 7.33 out of 10 (6 votes, average: 7.33 out of 10)
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