WGOM FItness: 10 December 2012, Ass. Kicked.

I've been threatening to expand my physical activity. Yesterday, I boldly went in a direction that ended up with my ass being kicked from here to there.

Our gym has fitness classes and my wife semi-regularly partakes of these classes. On Saturday night, we decided that the two of us would do the "Simply Strength" class at noon on Sunday. Well, it was a freaking snow emergency here yesterday, but we still went to the gym for this class (oh and Sunday Mass before that, padre). Oh. My. God. I should have prayed for strength.

I was the only man in the class, but I'm not feeling embarrassed except about how hard it was for me. This class was one hour of almost non-stop torture. My hips hurt like you would not believe. Not the hips, but the muscles in my rear end. Almost every muscle in my body is sore, but my hips, good lord. Simply Strength? No, simply painful.

I may have overdone it a little, even as all these women around me were doing better than me. Consider me challenged. I will be going back to Simply Strength until I have that class mastered, at which point I will move on to Total Conditioning. Eventually, I suppose I will get into weight routines, but this class works on both strength and flexibility and I'm going there first.

Day 139
Weight: 221.7
Total Loss: 62.8
BMI: 27.34

One thought on “WGOM FItness: 10 December 2012, Ass. Kicked.”

  1. That'll happen when you start weight training. It makes me wish I had the spare time/spare coin to join a gym again. I defitely got a better weight workout than I can at home.

    I recently expanded my excercise activity as well. I decided that I really needed to buckle down and get started on some regular running on my treadmill. I've been pretty good about getting on the thing every other day (with weights on the other days) and running for 15-20 minutes plus 5 minutes of walking at the full 10 degree incline to try to build up some strength in my legs to help with curling. I feel pretty good about it so far, and I would like to start trying to remember to weight myself to see if it pays off in the BMI department.

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