Fitliness is Next to Godliness

I emailed Stick from Ireland to tell him that I was inspired by his journey to lose weight, exercise, and become more healthy uber alles. I was inspired for a number of reasons, but chief among those was his determination to make this the last time he struggled with weight. As I've gotten older I've definitely found that it's harder and harder to lose the extra 5 lbs that I put on over the holidays, so I know that I have to change things now before it becomes impossible. I've been roughly the same size for most of my adult life, never tipping over 280, but always hovering around 265. When I returned home from Ireland I was at a breaking point. Continue reading Fitliness is Next to Godliness

Happy Birthday–December 5

Billy Shindle (1860)
Patsy Tebeau (1864)
Frank Bowerman (1868)
Pink Hawley (1872)
Gus Mancuso (1905)
Bobby Mattick (1915)
Chico Ruiz (1938)
Yoshiharu Wakana (1953)
Gary Roenicke (1954)
Luis Casanova (1956)
Alan Cockrell (1962)
Cliff Floyd (1972)
Felix Rodriguez (1972)
Hanley Frias (1973)

We also want to wish a Happy Birthday to CarterHayes’ mother.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–December 5