79 thoughts on “August 8, 2013”

  1. I don’t even drink coffee.

    Linds and I didn't for the first few years, but then we bought a Keurig for each other for Christmas. Once could argue, quite correctly, that it's not really coffee (my parents don't like it... something about not getting the coffee hot enough - in my opinion that's not a bug, it's a feature), but we like it.

    Point being, I'm drinking coffee right now, which is something I wouldn't have thought I'd be doing if you had asked me five years ago.

    1. I'm with Mags. I almost posted a "Cup of Strawberry-Banana Juice" because that's what I had with breakfast today.

    2. What you're drinking right now is far closer to coffee than the pot of cheap-ass Hill's Bro's coffee I'm drinking. I'm home all week and I really didn't want to spend the money to make decent coffee during this time. That's more of a weekend treat for me.

    3. My wife and I don't drink coffee either. I drink tea, but she doesn't even drink that. If we go to a coffee shop, she gets hot chocolate. My parents bought us a coffeemaker just so we'll have it in our cupboards when they come and visit us.

      1. We bought a tiny coffee maker because my parents and a couple of our mutual friends love coffee. They used it occasionally, we used it never.

    4. I've been drinking coffee since college. I just couldn't do a can of soda in the morning so I taught myself to enjoy coffee. I take it with half-and-half or home made Bailey's (can rarely afford the real stuff), but couldn't get those on deployments so I learned to take it black as well.
      We own probably 3 functioning coffee makers right now: unheated carafe, heated carafe and my wife just brought home one with a heated reservoir and dispenser, but no carafe. We buy decent or good coffee with the reasoning that it's in place of hitting up Starbucks/Caribou/etc. (but I still see them on our bank statements here and there...). At my office, they have good, free coffee and supply us with half-and-half. I assume I'd drink less if not for this, but I'm probably at 3-4 cups a day. I love coffee.

        1. Yeah, back when the doc (not our Doc) pronounced me with hyperlipidemia and put me on Lipitor (now Atorvastatin), the grapefruit became verboten. Funny thing is, once it was forbidden, I craved it.

      1. Moderation in all things, including moderation.

        I drink a cup every morning with the sports pages (cold-brewed in my French press overnight, then microwaved to sipping temp), but tea or water at work.

        cheaps, life is too short for bad beer or bad coffee.

        1. Don't i know it. I also know that life is too damned expensive to drink expensive coffee all week when you can't get the free ok stuff from work.

    5. something about the coffee not being hot enough

      apropos of this, my wife bought me a cuppa at the sacramento airport Starbucks. I spilled it all over my hand trying to remove the lid because I do not have a flame-proof mouth like she does. Scalded hand. I spent the flight icing. Thank goodness it wasn't more than about 200 [redacted] degrees.

      1. My mouth can't take anything above "pretty damned warm". Anything into the "hot" territory is just straight out. The stuff the comes out of the Keurig is still way too hot for me to even sip on, whereas my mom will complain that it's not hot enough. I don't get it.

  2. Attn JeffA:

  3. The last time the Twins starting 2B had an OPS+ above Dozier's current 96 was 15 years ago. And the last time the Twins starting 2B had a rWAR higher than Dozier's current 2.7 was 16 years ago.

    In a season without much positivity at the major league level at least we have that going for us.

        1. I never read the comments, but you got me to do so today. Hilarious, if people weren't so serious.

          1. Oof, yeah. An amazing deficiency in reading comprehension, a poor grasp of statistics and a complete lack of business acumen are prominently on display. And that was just the first half-dozen- I gave up quickly.

          2. Thanks to one of my browser plugins (I'm not sure if it's HTTPSEverywhere, Don'tTrackMe, Ghostery, or Antisocial) the various applets that load comments on many websites don't work at all, including Yahoo.

  4. hallo from Santa Fe. The festivities have begun. mrsS's sister has already launched at least one passive-aggressive, snidely, uncalled-for remark about cleaning up after our kids. We have not yet responded with the "uh, maybe you should look after your own kid first."

    It's gonna be a great week.

    On the plus side, there's beer.

  5. So, I came home from the airport, and Runner daughter, to my face, says, "Eat me." Well, not to my face - she wrote it on a sticky, and put it on a half-eaten box of cookies, but I could feel the anger.

    1. That's cool, but what I really want is a homemade coilgun. Needs some rifling in the barrel for better ballistic characteristics, but dayam.

    2. More movie "news" - heard about the premier somewhere and thought it was spookybait. Then I couldn't remember if you were a Welles fan or not. Still, I couldn't pass on the opportunity: "No such thing as Too Much Johnson."

      1. By the name of the movie, I thought it was a Wells reference and not a Welles reference.

    3. You can shoot them my way, too. I watch an episode every single night. I've probably seen the whole series at least six times, with my favorite episodes coming in at five or six times that.

  6. Gonna head out to the Moondogs game in a little bit with the family. Hopefully the rain holds off, or at least starts once we're a few innings in and the kids are bored.

  7. I grew up in Richfield (just two blocks from #5!), live just 12 blocks away from Richfield, and still have lots of friends and family there and I've still never heard of #2.

    Andale, in #3, is ridiculously delicious. I would have eaten there constantly if it had been there while I was in HS.

  8. Deep Riding Thoughts.
    by NBB.

    Out riding my bike tonight, I wondered if a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma was two times easier to access than the enigma.

  9. So a guy from Ham Lake won $49 million after taxes today in the Powerball. What surprised me is that he came in right away to get his check. What's he going to do with it? Put it in his Wells Fargo account? FDIC insurance only covers $250,000

    If I ever won the lottery, you wouldn't hear from me for weeks. I'd be working with lawyers and financial planners setting up my estate and trust. Sure it would be fun to access some of that money right away but hey you got $49 million, you can play with your money for for a long time. It's more important to get it set up properly before you eff it all up.

    I get a feeling that this guy is going to be one of those lottery winners who will rue the day they ever purchased that ticket.

    1. Being from Anoka county originally, I was somewhat interested to see who the winner was. I was disappointed when I heard "college and cars" were his only plans. Seems to me the ones who tend to work out as lottery winners are the ones who have fairly immediate plans for helping others, and not just spending on their immediate family.

      Of course, I'm sitting outside the situation, judging a guy for being extraordinarily lucky, based on a few quick lines in an article. So... maybe I'm the jerk.

      1. I'd like to think that were I ever fortunate to win such a large sum of money I would do a lot of good. That being said, when I have fleeting daydreams most of the things I think about are ways to better J & I's situation as well as the situation of those around us. I'd want to do that stuff ASAP, but I wouldn't want to squander the opportunity. This is why I think free's point above about taking time to set things up would be vital.

        Once that was done I'd immediately catch a plane to Japan and throw stacks in Akihabara.

    2. I gotta admit, I actually bought a ticket. When did a Powerball ticket cost two bucks?

      I think I'll stick to helping out the local baseball team by buying pulltabs at the Legion.

      1. Whenever it goes over $400M, my wife prompts me to pick one up. I did this time too and had a moment of half-expectant, anticipatory joy when I heard someone in MN had won. It was worth $2.

        1. My grandma's brother's son. My uncle called my dad to tell him and they also both agreed that claiming it right away was stupid.

            1. Heh. He said he hasn't seen him since he was a teenager. He has tons of cousins on that side of the family too(his mom was the eldest of 12). It should at least make for some interesting family stories.

    3. I don't play the lottery, but I got to thinking today, if, say, someone gave me a ticket and it turned out to be a winner, what would I do? I think I'd either have to figure out a way to give it all away or retire. I don't see how in the world I could be effective as a pastor, at least in the sort of ministry I want to do, if I had that kind of money.

        1. I know that's meant in jest, but here's the thing: I have absolutely zero desire to be the pastor of even a large church on the Dakotas Conference scale. In my current setting, the three churches together average around 140 each Sunday. Including people who would consider us "my church" even though they don't show up much, there are probably around 200-250 people in the parish. That's as big as I want to be. What I love about ministry is getting to know people personally and being able to be involved in their lives. If I was in a bigger setting, I wouldn't be able to do that.

          1. I was imagining if it were my home town. The idea of an enormous, out of place church on the outskirts of a 1000 person town is highly amusing to me. We'd still get the same 50 people every week.

            1. We actually are in the beginning stages of a building program in Gettysburg. The plan is to sell the building my office is in (not connected to the church) and build an addition onto the church building. It would give us a fellowship hall on the ground floor, handicapped-accessible restrooms on the ground floor, and a ramp into the sanctuary. We're trying to raise $600,000. So, if anyone has some extra cash and is looking for something to do with it, we're available 🙂

  10. I know that I live in the swamp but I'll never get used to the wildlife. We've had termite swarms, lizard invasion, and tonight I saw a flying cockroach. I killed the shit out of the latter.

    1. We had this extending set of steps that allowed us to reach high places, but I drove the car over it repeatedly; I killed the shit out of the ladder.

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