Father Knows Best: Or Rather, Father Knows Little

This edition of FKB will be advice free and more of a theraputic thing for me, I think.

Our first experience with a newborn was somewhat difficult, especially for new parents and someone like me who was previously against the idea of having kids at all. The reflux and the late night screaming was difficult to adjust to, and I struggled initially. But, in the end, and after the reflux diagnoses at about three months, we ended up with the best daughter ever. After that, it took me awhile to get into the idea of having another. My wife wanted one (with a reasonable separation between the two, though) but I just wasn't sure if I was ready for two or if it was a better idea to just be able to devote all of our attention to the wonderful little girl we had. Eventually, after hanging out with some of our friends with two kids and seeing that dynamic (all boys, but still) and remembering my own experiences growing up in a two child household, I decided I was ready for it.

Continue reading Father Knows Best: Or Rather, Father Knows Little

Happy Birthday–November 21

Bobby Mathews (1851)
Charlie Bennett (1854)
Billy Clingman (1869)
Andy High (1897)
Freddie Lindstrom (1905)
Paul Richards (1908)
Stan Musial (1920)
Warren Hacker (1924)
Tom McCraw (1940)
Bill Almon (1952)
Rick Peters (1955)
Mike Mason (1958)
Mark Eichhorn (1960)
Dick Schofield (1962)
Ken Griffey (1969)
Todd Erdos (1973)
Brian Meadows (1975)
Hank Blalock (1980)

Rick Peters was drafted by Minnesota in the eighteenth round in 1973, but did not sign.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–November 21