Women with moustaches

Yesterday morning I was surrounded by women with moustaches, and I wasn't in Middletown, CT. I kid. I ran the Moustache Run, a half marathon to raise funds for research on men's prostrate cancer.   One in six men will get this disease in their lifetimes. Go get checked if over 40.

26F but a beautiful run along the Mississippi river downtown Mpls.

Travelers wheat beer and Southern Comfort after the race. Fun event.

And FSU beats Gators. And Auburn pulls off a slick one. W00t!


3 thoughts on “Women with moustaches”

  1. Prostate cancer is by far the most prevalent cancer among men, but far less deadly than lung cancer.

    from the Repository:

    A complete understanding of the causes of prostate cancer remains elusive.[14] The primary risk factors are obesity, age and family history. Prostate cancer is very uncommon in men younger than 45, but becomes more common with advancing age. The average age at the time of diagnosis is 70.[15] However, many men never know they have prostate cancer. Autopsy studies of Chinese, German, Israeli, Jamaican, Swedish, and Ugandan men who died of other causes have found prostate cancer in 30% of men in their 50s, and in 80% of men in their 70s.[16] Men who have first-degree family members with prostate cancer appear to have double the risk of getting the disease compared to men without prostate cancer in the family.[17] This risk appears to be greater for men with an affected brother than for men with an affected father. In the United States in 2005, there were an estimated 230,000 new cases of prostate cancer and 30,000 deaths due to prostate cancer.[18] Men with high blood pressure are more likely to develop prostate cancer.[19] There is a small increased risk of prostate cancer associated with lack of exercise.[20] A 2010 study found that prostate basal cells were the most common site of origin for prostate cancers.[21]

  2. Got to the gym both Saturday and Sunday. I don't really want to talk about my weight right now except to say that I have gained weight at a startling rate.

    At some point, I will talk about what's happened over the last two or three months, I suppose. I feel like I've heading back toward a good place and I've still kept the majority of the weight that I lost off. But, I gained a healthy chunk back and I realize that I need to maintain good habits or I'll be pushing 3 bills in no time.

  3. with the week off, I managed to get to the gym five times (counting both weekends), including thursday morning. We had our Thanksgivukkah on Wednesday, so I was atoning. I still put on a couple of pounds for the week. But I ate a lot of pecan pie, so, #winning.

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