116 thoughts on “November 9, 2017: Don’t Forget”

  1. I've got an extra ticket to the Gopher-Husker game this weekend (I think it's in the Nebraska section). Anyone want it?

            1. My general rule for watching stand-up comedy in a work setting: unless your employer specifically says it can’t/won’t regulate content, don’t watch it.

  2. Woooo! The company I work for is already up for sale again, 11 months after purchase! (because the company that bought us sucks). Capitalism can go ahead and die any day now.

    1. Capitalism can go ahead and die any day now.

      I doubt it is capitalism's fault that your company sucks.

      1. True, but it is capitalism's fault that I have to worry about losing my job because of it.

        1. I’m planning on buying a plot of land and raising sheep to ride out the apocalypse. You’re welcome to join my new collective if you bring a skill ... or more sheep.

          1. My parents raised sheep for a long time when I was growing up.

            While we're on the subject of capitalism... raising sheep was fairly incompatible with it.

              1. In that case, I've got some stone. (our negotiations tend to breakdown as the drinks flow)

            1. At my company, there's plenty of engineers roaming around. I believe most of them are feral at this point.

            2. Yes. Just less of them.

              If someone has a good economic argument for s country that doesn't embrace capitalism, I'm all ears.

              1. Seems limiting the argument to economics unfairly limits the discussion. Basing decisions only on the economics means we should revert practices that we decided were more important than just the economics of them.

                1. Happily, capitalism is by far the most effective approach we have for producing/maintaining both "narrow" economic values for market participants AND providing a rich array of choices to serve diverse needs, wants and interests.

  3. I never noticed how the beginning of Foo Fighters "My Hero" and U2's "Bullet the Blue Sky" sounds similar until today.

  4. I see, somewhat belatedly, I suppose, that Texas released Prince Fielder. He got old in a hurry.

  5. Ooooh, Word Find WGOM banner!
    redacted, batteyd, butters, jijimthome, spookied, fotf, pauer, donger, fbomb, obligatory, wgom(2), bookofface, repository, puppies, boomstick, seasoning, jeremy
    I'll leave some for you guys

  6. Today in Facebook Suburban Moms Group kerfuffles...
    Middle school let us know Monday that there was a planned assembly today for a presentation by these folks: fightthenewdrug.org
    Maybe NSFW?
    So...seems like a good idea that we're not so sure was well-executed.
    Not a ton of information available to parents about how the presentation would be run.
    Doesn't seem like any separation/tailoring of the message to male vs. female students, who certainly would experience the material differently.
    Some credible opposition out there saying that their claims may be a bit overstated.
    And if my 11-year old isn't quite at this developmental stage yet and also posesses precisely ZERO self-control with respect to technology use, maaaaaaaybe we don't want to open that Pandora's Box just yet.
    So we opted out, as it seems a fair percentage are doing.

      1. It is not. Program advertised as without religious or political messaging, but certainly seems to have been a particularly motivated group of parents advocating for it being brought in.

    1. Tangentially related--I remember as a HS youth having a speaker come in to tell us that drinking any alcohol, ever, in any circumstance, was VERY BAD, and should always be avoided. I was about the strictest, rule-following kid you could find, but I really wanted to just walk out and quit wasting my time, as clearly the speaker was full of excrement. Addiction is not something I take lightly, but making broad claims like that doesn't further to help anyone learn to navigate a nuanced situation, let alone teenage kids (who are actually pretty good at figuring out if you are full of excrement.)

      I don't know anything about this group in particular, but that's the experience I always come back to when I think about school presentations regarding moral/immoral behavior.

      1. Yeah, nothing made me more likely to try "bad" things than self-righteous speakers telling me not to.

    2. New drug?

      Psh. I remember back when I was in high school kids would sneak out behind the theater to light up playboys or shoot hustlers.

    3. Some credible opposition out there saying that their claims may be a bit overstated.


      FZ-ish probably? SelectShow
      1. Agreed.

        I also took a look at the research they posted on their website, and every one deserved a hearty “correlation does not imply causation.”


        'Maybe FZ' SelectShow
        1. what Mike spoilered.

          'Parental outrage SelectShow
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                  1. Ayyup.

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                    3. Good conversation, Phyllo.

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                      Edited to add: Here is my gracious "yes, thanks, it was an engaging conversation" comment too. 😉

                      It's been a hell of a week, I think I just needed this spot to go off on...

                    5. 'Spoiler' SelectShow

                      and, hey, that's part of what this Basement is for. Nice that we can have a vigorous argument without it turning into a pissing match.

                    6. 'Spoiler' SelectShow

                      And I will third the respectful discussion)

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    4. After giving this some more thought, I am convinced that this organization is a front for the porn industry, and they're trying to hook 'em young. It'd be like Marlboro sponsoring a cartoon to tell kids smoking is "bad."

    1. Indeed. Especially the ones I like.

      And, also great that terrible, awful people are slowly starting to have to suffer some consequences.

              1. Oh, I am not making light of what he (allegedly, almost certainly) did.

                But I am not above mocking him.

    2. Maybe if more people were focused on fighting the new drug they'd stop seeing others as objects!

      1. heh.

        teenagers, or at least teenage boys, as a class are not real good at empathy when teh Sex is involved. Objectification is a tough nut to crack when all you can think about is soft and fuzzy sweaters, too magical to touch.

        1. teenagers, or at least teenage boys, as a class are not real good at empathy when teh Sex is involved.

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