33 thoughts on “2021 Game 35: Minnesota Twins at Chicago White Sox”

  1. That would have been a fantastic Slam given the nonsense of that inning. WhAt is Lamb doing out there? Goodness.

  2. Larnach has looked good so far. That was a hell of an at bat. Even if he missed one.

      1. Those didn't looks so bad given the "strikezone" and movement Lynn is dealing.

  3. Chicago 1-2 with RISP versus Twins at 0-6. Twins need to surpass the mountain of scoring three runs in yet another game.

      1. The meme is Eric André being the real thing that kills Hannibal Buress, but Eric asks why/states an unrelated thing did it. The image is missing the secondary thing, such as blaming the bullpen.

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