18 thoughts on “January 18, 2022: Be Our Guest”

  1. Ex-Twins news: Willians Astudillo was the MVP of the round-robin portion of the Venezuelan League playoffs. He batted .410 (25-for-61) with four home runs and an OPS of 1.078.

  2. The wife and I went to Ikea yesterday, first time I have ever been there. The meatballs are overrated and the chair and martini glasses I wanted were out of stock.

  3. 160 years ago today, President John Tyler shortly after being elected to serve in the Confederate House of Representatives. Yes, he still has a living grandson.

    1. That Tyler was in the CSA House is one of those things I only learned in like the last year or so and I was like "How in the world did I not know that?"

      Also, that Lighthorse Harry Lee was Robert E.'s dad.

      That I did not know either of these facts is extra surprising as my dad has a Civil War library that would rival most small colleges.

      1. TIL that Light-Horse Harry is the source for the famous epitaph for Washington of "first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen."

  4. History buffs: Yesterday The Verge published a piece on Wikitrivia, a virtual card game in which you order historical events (randomly selected from Repository entires) on a timeline. You get three wrong answers before you must restart. My longest streak so far is 22 events. I’ve found that, besides my terrible grasp of pre-modern East Asian & South Asian history, I get tripped up on the dates when corporations were created, since it’s not necessarily clear if they refer to the present company or the historical, pre-multinational/conglomerate entity.

    Spoiler SelectShow
      1. Is it known as “FNBS” outside hobo circles?

        I knew BNSF was a creation of the 1990s, as I can remember seeing the trains running on the line between Pops’ river village and my hometown change during that period. But this is where the corporate creation thing trips me up: I guessed that it was not asking for the successor holding company, but insted referring to one of the antecedent railroads. I knew the Santa Fe was antebellum, so I dropped it there.

        1. Great Northern is no spring chicken as well, but when you're talking the starting date of a multi-RR consolidation like that, I'd have gone with BNSF's creation date.

    1. My best if 14 so far, but we'll see if I do anything else the rest of the month weekday

      1. My longest is 19

        Actual Spoiler SelectShow
    2. 17. I might spend some more time with this later...

      Spoiler SelectShow
  5. All 4 kids got their first vaccine and I got my booster today. Feeling good, but we're just a couple hours in...

    1. Feeling good, feeling fine it's SaturdayTuesday night.

      We're an American Fam
      We're an American Fam
      We're coming to your town, we'll help you vax it down
      We're an American Fam

      1. I had my latest work scare as my contract employee stopped the weekly roundup meeting (in person, natch) to say that her weekly rapid test had just come back positive. (She's the only one of us who is regularly testing because .... responsible....? ) Holy smokes. everyone to battle stations. She gets sent out to PCR test immediately. The rest of the team is social distanced with the orders to get tested asap. I send everyone home long before scheduled tests. Meanwhile contract employee pays out of pocket for a rapid PCR which comes back negative. Holy smokes! WTF!!!! OMG. great outcome. HR says go back to "normal" operations. Awesome.

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