AMR Graphs: The 2012 AL Triple Crown (Part 4 of 4)

I experimented with batter stats last year, but that was looking at the horrible and injury-and-demotion skewing Twins. This year, I decided to look at the development of the American League triple-crown stats' leaders, as, at the end of the year, one Tiger was atop all three lists.

For parts 1-3, here are Monday's look at the AL, and Tuesday's look at the NL, and yesterday's look at the Wild Card and Draft Position races.

American League Batting Average:
Showing the top nine finishers, all that finished over .310. The first point on the graph represents the first day's play. I didn't start players at zero.

Well, that doesn't look all that usable. Let's zoom in starting after the All-Star break: Continue reading AMR Graphs: The 2012 AL Triple Crown (Part 4 of 4)

Happy Birthday–October 25

Jack Doyle (1869)
Smoky Joe Wood (1889)
Jack Kent Cooke (1912)
Lee McPhail (1917)
Russ Meyer (1923)
Bobby Thomson (1923)
Bobby Brown (1924)
Roy Hartsfield (1925)
Chuck Schilling (1937)
Al Cowens (1951)
Roy Smalley (1952)
Rowland Office (1952)
Tito Landrum (1954)
Danny Darwin (1955)
Andy McGaffigan (1956)
Steve Decker (1965)
Keith Garagozzo (1969)
Pedro Martinez (1971)
Wilkin Ramirez (1985)

Continue reading Happy Birthday–October 25

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.