Sonic Youth – Unmade Bed

Some time last year, I asked Bootsy and everyone else to give me some direction on where to go with expanding my knowledge of Sonic Youth. He responded with a music post packed with several fine videos, which is now lost to the aether of the internets (the post, not the videos, I'm sure there'll all still up on the Tube, and one of them, I think, will be here by the end of this post.) In order to prove I learned something from his tutelage, and to show I do listen to something from before 2000, here's several more videos. (Although this first one isn't pre-2000, it's from their 2004 album Sonic Nurse - probably my favorite post-2000 SY album. Except for maybe Murray Street.)

Continue reading Sonic Youth – Unmade Bed

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Happy Birthday–September 13

Mike McNally (1893)
Dutch Reuther (1893)
Pat Collins (1896)
Eddie Rommel (1897)
Rabbit Worstler (1903)
Thornton Lee (1906)
Ed Sudol (1920)
Rick Wise (1945)
Rick Dempsey (1949)
Jim Obradovich (1949)
Mike Fischlin (1955)
Erik Bennett (1968)
Bernie Williams (1968)
Denny Neagle (1968)
Brent Brede (1971)
Armando Rios (1971)
Daisuke Matsuzaka (1980)

Continue reading Happy Birthday–September 13

EEE & MMM – Back from the International break

Man, the international break can be killer sometimes. You get such riveting matchups as Slovakia-Armenia and Finland-Moldova. More than anything I just feel bad for the San Marinos and Faroe Islands of the bunch who are mostly just trotted out to slaughter. One thing I might suggest is a two-tiered Euros. In rugby there is the Six Nations, comprised of the European rugby powers, and there's the European Nations Cup for teams 7-12.

Relevant EPL Results

  • Everton 2 - 2 Aston Villa
  • Chelsea 2 - 1 Sunderland
  • Spurs 2 - 0 Wolves
  • Fulham 1 - 1 Blackburn Rovers

Manchester United and City continue to roll, winning 5-0 and 3-0, respectively Continue reading EEE & MMM – Back from the International break

Minor Thoughts

This is just kind of a wrap-up post of various thoughts on the Twins minor league teams and players.  I claim no particular credentials as either an analyst or a scout, so feel free to disagree with anything that follows.

--You can understand why Rochester management is getting upset with the Twins.  I know the minors are about player development, but you'd still like to be able to field a competitive team.  Given how bad they've been the last two years, attendance hasn't suffered as much as you might think--the Red Wings were ninth out of fourteen teams, with an average of 6493 fans.  All the injuries to the major league club obviously played a part in how bad the team was, but a failure to develop players has also played a part.

Continue reading Minor Thoughts

The Nation Has Problems, Vol.3

About Last Month (err...two months ago)

Again, I'll start by talking about the last post. There is an observation for the first problem that makes it much easier that nobody seemed to pick up on. If you are to apply one of the moves twice, it's the same as not doing it at all! It's clear that this is true if you immediately apply the second move after the first, but even if you apply other moves in between, it won't make a difference. If you want, see if this observation will help you solve the problem, otherwise, I'll finish the solution after the break!

Continue reading The Nation Has Problems, Vol.3

Happy Birthday–September 12

Nick Young (1840)
Bob Groom (1884)
Fred Luderus (1885)
Spud Chandler (1907)
Charlie Keller (1916)
Andy Seminick (1920)
Stan Lopata (1925)
Albie Pearson (1934)
Mickey Lolich (1940)
John Montague (1947)
Scotti Madison (1959)
Thom Brennaman (1963)
Keith Hughes (1963)
Luis Castillo (1975)
Carmen Pignatiello (1982)

And a happy birthday as well to CarterHayes.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–September 12

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.