Tag Archives: USA USA USA!

Women’s Hockey Whangdoodle: IIHF World Championships

Over the next 12 days, the best women hockey players in the world will convene in Calgary and play a 10-team tournament that will set the stage for the 2022 Winter Olympics.  In a fractured professional women's hockey landscape, this is a pretty rare opportunity to see the best in the world face off against each other in a way they don't often get to do.

Continue reading Women’s Hockey Whangdoodle: IIHF World Championships

FMD: 4/7/17 – The 50 State Project

First off, let me wish my lovely wife a happy birthday: Happy Birthday Philosofette.
Great, now that that's out of the way, let's do something fun.

Last week I had the privilege of driving across half of the country. We passed through a decent number of states, and as we did so I often found myself thinking, "I wonder what song would be a good song for [the state we are driving through right now]?" I know this type of thing has been done other places, but I thought it might be fun to put together a WGOM 50 State Song List (plus DC).

So nominate your, uh, nominations. Use whatever criteria you see fit. Name dropping (for example: "I'm from New Jersey," for New Jersey), artist home (for example, Springsteen, for New Jersey), or anything else that fits the state (for example, a song by Garbage, for New Jersey).  Then, chime in on others nominations.  If it seems like there's a consensus forming, I might add it to the list.  If the consensus changes, I'll change the list.  You know.  Whatever.  It's informal.  Also, I'm a big fan of not necessarily going with the obvious (though sometimes I suppose you have to).

I've gotten us started with two nominations.

'The List' SelectShow

FMD: Music To Campaign By

I've always been interested in the song selections people use for campaigns (or walk up music for ball players, etc.), and the way some of those "don't use my music" battles play out.

There's a lot of classic rock used, it seems. Lots of yay-rah patriotism too. But I'd like to see song selections expanded, be more tongue in cheek, show some innovative policy proposals. You know, that kind of creative thinking.

So, for example, Rand Paul could campaign to The Clash's "I Fought The Law".
Billy Joel's "Great Wall Of China" seems like it might be apt for Trump.
There are certainly some campaigns focused on helping low-income workers that could just use They Might Be Giant's "Minimum Wage."

So drop your 10 and give us your creative campaign songs.