I don't know if this is a wedding or a funeral.
I don't know if this is a wedding or a funeral.
In what I'm told was the only real upset of the night, Beck takes home the Golden Glove for Album of the Year. I still feel Sea Change is the superior album in almost every way, but whatever. One more for the shelf for the musician-poet who transcends genres even as he re-invents them.
Some good shit for your Sunday.
Homeboy absolutely destroys that pedal steel.
I love a good flying V. The only thing: you can't really play them sitting down.
A few naughty words sprinkled in for flavor. And some Technotronic too, apparently.
Somehow we haven't spun SS yet...
I'll admit, I didn't cotton to Sturgill right away. His first album was good, but parts of it bugged me. Thinking about it for awhile, I decided it was just a little too... meta, I guess would be the word for it. I'm not complaining because it wasn't filled with outlaws and pickup trucks; I'm just fine with the unconventional. However, it was all a little too sad-sacky for my tastes. Country music had/has some of the great self-deprecators, however I felt that too much of High Top Mountain strayed into self-pity. Too much "O, woe is me, everyone would be better off if I was dead" or "no one likes my songs" or "nothing ever goes right for me." The talent was undeniable, but the execution was lacking and the messages were kind of annoying.
When I saw that his next album was titled Metamodern Sounds in Country Music, I thought that I just might sit the next one out. However, a few weeks back, the continual outpouring of adulation finally lead me to check it out. My apprehension was gone by the end of the first song and I've been listening to the album repeatedly ever since.
Cleveland's Bim Thomas/Obnox has a new album out, though this is not from it (sorry, not a stellar selection of videos available). Might have to go grab that.
In a split from their normal sound, here's a stripped down set from these Columbian-turned-Brooklynites.
I realized I ended up posting one of these the past couple years, so I figured I'd put up one more. It's a few plays of football sandwiched between glitzy consumerism stacked around some boobs and lip-synced banality. What could be more American?
Enjoy the game folks!
Here's a blast from the past (which is probably where it should have been left).
I'm pretty sure you guys will be able to say it all for me.
No wave like the new wave.