Over the weekend the first person besides myself and my wife noticed I'd lost some weight. It was my sister-in-law, and she sees us with probably just the right amount of frequency that she'd pick up on a little loss. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 6 March 2013, Noticing
All posts by Philosofer
WGOM Fitness: February 27, 2013, Been Too Long
It's been too long since there was a new WGOM Fitness post. Not much to say here. I took the weekend off again, and that ended up including Monday. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: February 27, 2013, Been Too Long
WGOM Fitness: 22 January 2013, Shins
It's been a busy week at work, plus werewolf, so I haven't had quite as much time for working out as I'd hoped. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 22 January 2013, Shins
WGOM Fitness: 13 February 2013, Lent
I suppose it's no coincidence that Lent can be good for the weight-loss, given that both diet and Lenten sacrifice are primarily about self-restraint. Opposite goals, but the same result (cause fasting is designed to make you closer to God, while dieting is designed to keep you further away from meeting him)(eh? eh?).
WGOM Fitness: 11 February 2013, Vacation
I was on vacation last week. I worked out 1 time. It was just lifting, no aerobic stuff. It actually felt really good. I didn't eat the best, but I didn't eat the worst, so I'm ok with where I was on that too. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 11 February 2013, Vacation
First Monday Book Day: Now You See Me…
Back in college I took a two-semester course called "Great Books," wherein all we did was read and discuss (and I suppose there were some papers?) great books. The professor provided a list of 100 great books (it wasn't the Time 100, or any other known list, just the professor's own, but there was obviously a substantial overlap with such lists) and we read maybe 12 - 15 books a semester. A couple times a year I'll pick up one that I haven't read yet. Someday I'll get through the list. Maybe. Continue reading First Monday Book Day: Now You See Me…
WGOM Fitness: 28 January 2013, Setback x3
I took last Thursday off because I was exhausted after several good workouts that week. And I was going to hit it again on Friday. But then Friday got really busy, and when I finally got a chance to go to the gym I discovered I didn't have my shoes. It was the end of the day, and I gave myself a break (I was still pretty sore from some lifting on Wednesday too). Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 28 January 2013, Setback x3
WGOM Fitness: 23 January 2013, No Change
My scale is one of those crappy non-digital ones where the little display goes around in a circle. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 23 January 2013, No Change
WGOM Fitness: 10 January 2013, One Step Forward, Two Steps Fat
I started working out again last week. I did so again on Tuesday. Nothing too impressive - just a mile and a half on the treadmill, with some light lifting. I'm in the worst shape of my life, so any start - even a slow one - is a good start. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: 10 January 2013, One Step Forward, Two Steps Fat
Ain’t Right
I'm getting to post the CoC at 9? Odd.