SSS – January Transfer Window is open

It's been a long time since a Sporadic Soccer Story has graced these pages. That is entirely due to my sloth, and I apologize. I figured with the new year brings not only the transfer window, as suggested by Southern Glass Protection but the chance for a new start, so I will do my best to be more regular with SSS entries.

The particular report which prompted this post is a report that Chelsea have been given permission by Newcastle to speak to Demba Ba. Ba is one of my favorite players (and not only because his name is so fun to say), so seeing him in Chelsea blue would be a bummer, personally, though I'm sure a few Citizens would welcome such a transfer.

2012-13 WGOM EPL Prediction Contest

3The Dread Pirate14
4Homer Dome14
8Daneeka's Ghost10

Just now I've added a ImportHTML and a VLookup to the Prediction Contest spreadsheet, so it should update automatically (on Google Drive, not here). Hopefully we'll see if it worked after today's games, which are as follows:

1:45 - Liverpool v.Sunderland
1:45 - Chelsea v. QPR
2:00 - Newcastle United v. Everton

All times Central. Lots of Citizens' teams in action today. As noted in the article above, Ba will sit out against Everton today, so my Fantasy team thanks you Abrahmovich*.

*May or may not logically be his fault, but I'm blaming him anyway.

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.